Community Festivals and Events

If you are planning a community festival or event in the Municipality of Dysart et al, we invite you to submit an application.  Applications are required for any community festival or event taking place on Municipal Property.

Questions related to Community Events can be directed to the Events and Recreation Manager by phone at 705-457-1740 x.635.

Interested in hosting a community event or festival for the first time:
Contact the Events and Recreation Manager by phone at 705-457-1740 x635 to discuss your idea. You will be required to submit a Park Use Agreement.  You will also have to make a delegation to the Council for approval.
Making changes to an existing event:
If you are making significant changes to your festival or event, you will need to present your changes to the Committee of the Whole for approval. Please contact the Events and Recreation Manger at 705-457-1740 x.635 for further information.

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