The Municipality has a purchasing policy. All purchasing activities are objective and transparent.

Current Procurement Opportunities

To see the Municipality’s current bids, please visit Bids and Tenders.

The Municipality of Dysart et al now uses a digital procurement management platform called Bids and Tenders to source goods and services, including public works maintenance and construction.

This platform makes it easy for vendors to review, register, download, and submit bids online. Dysart only accepts online submissions for large-scale tenders and proposals through Bids and Tenders. Printed or emailed submissions are no longer accepted.

Throughout the process, Bids and Tenders uses real-time technology to give vendors easy access to information regarding their bids, including questions, answers, addenda, and reminders.

To help vendors apply for Bids and Tenders an Online Bids and Tenders Guide has been created. 

Please note: Our Bids and Tenders submission process has changed and is now free for vendors. 


Request for Tender - Supply of Culverts

The Municipality of Dysart et al is seeking submissions to be considered for the supply of culverts for the 2024 construction season.

All information is available on Bids and Tenders. Please submit all communications relating to this bid opportunity directly through the bidding portal.

This RFP will close on Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 1 PM ET.

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